They proudly called themselves the “Old Timers”–eMKayans with several years of M-K Company experience. Now, that tradition of celebrating accomplishments together lives on with the Retired & Veteran eMKayans Annual Event. Folks who worked together to help achieve greatness. (H.W. Morrison said at an early Annual Old Timers Party, those are the people “who first hitched up teams and set out to change the face of the earth, those people believed in what MK set out to do and decided to cast their lot with the company.”) …And change the face of the earth, they did!
Just as tradition would have it, the “old timers” gathered once again to reminisce and celebrate at the Retired & Veteran eMKayans Annual Dinner on September 13th.
So much fun to reconnect with our fellow eMKayans!
The 2015 Retired and Veteran eMKayans Annual Dinner was held September 13th at the Riverside Hotel in Boise, Idaho. This year’s dinner was attended by 156 MK and MKI folks and for sure, a good time was had by all. Twenty-one golfers participated in a Golf Tournament on September 12th at Warm Springs Golf Course. If you missed this year’s event, you can still send in your membership so you don’t miss out on any important group announcements or next year’s invitation. Annual Membership in the Retired and Veteran eMKayan’s Group is just $5 to cover annual printing, postage and next year’s preliminary celebration arrangements. (click on link for membership form: RETIRED AND VETERAN eMKayans Membership Form)

Tony Sandor and Jay Gould were the MC’s for the evening, announcing winners for the golf tournament and the drawing for door prizes. The winning golf foursome was: Jim Voorhees, Renee Voorhees, Malcolm Dyson, & Steve Allen; Long Drive, Men- Rich Linford; Long Drive, Women- Midge Kulchak; Long Putt- Paul Anderson; and Closest-to-Hole – Ron Evans. Better luck next year, MK golfers! If you have photos from the golf tournament or the dinner party, we’d love to post them to share with others. Also please spread the word to others who may be recently retired or separated from the company who might like to attend next year’s event.
The reunion committee is seeking additional members if you would like to participate. Contact Tony Sandor or Jay Gould (through this website) if interested.
Your Reunion Committee:
Chairman, Tony Sandor
Treasurer, Golf Coordinator, Jay Gould
Committee Member, Dale Fackler