Grant Highlights
MK communities that immortalize Morrison Knudsen Company,
one of the greatest engineering and construction industry giants in the world.
(You can hover the cursor over slide to pause for easy caption reading)
An important word about our grant-making decisions…..
The Board of Directors of Morrison Knudsen Foundation is dedicated to making informed unbiased funding decisions. It takes dedication to improve communities and help people live more fulfilling lives. Similarly, we strive to support initiatives and programs that help to promote the foundation’s ideals and validate the message in our mission statement. We feel fortunate to be part of a very giving community where there are so many great charitable funding opportunities available that match our grant-making policy. The Foundation supports the efforts of non-profit organizations that excel in meeting the specific needs of Boise/Treasure Valley by providing grants to those programs and partnerships that foster diversity, demonstrate accountability, and have a positive impact on society and the environment.
We recognize our contributions are an investment in the economic and social viability of the community and our funding decisions have a lasting effect just as any other investment opportunity. In our efforts to fairly balance funding among the many opportunities that are presented to us, given our limited resources, the focus of our grant-making policy, and the extent of our current commitments, it is just not possible for us to offer our support to all the organizations that apply for funding–so, we direct our contributions to those areas where we feel the most critical needs exist and where our support will have the greatest impact. We are proud of the many sound philanthropic investments that the foundation has made over the past 65-plus years and strive to continue to make those tough choices and share our assets to help achieve the continued health and vitality of our community in meaningful ways. We hope you will continue to enjoy learning about a few of our most recent gifts to the community. Please visit us again soon.